There Are Two Great Days In A Person's Life -
              The Day We Are Born And ...
                               The Day We Discover Why
 Live A Meaningful 
And Fulfilling Life You Love


There Are Two Great Days

In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

 Live A Meaningful 

And Fulfilling Life You Love


Dieter Langenecker 
Modern Elder 
Meaning Counselor

There Are Two Great Days In A Person's Life -

The Day We Are Born And ...

The Day We Discover Why

      Live A Life You Love

Living A Life That Matters

Cultivating Profound Leadership

Personal Counseling

We all want to believe we know ourselves pretty well. But every leader who has spent meaningful time examining their inner workings will tell you self-awareness takes significant commitment and effort over an extended period.

It’s especially difficult for leaders consumed by moving the organization forward, increasing profits, or satisfying insatiable customers to look inward. Yet the busier their days get and the greater the responsibilities, the more self-awareness is required for leadership excellence.

Knowing how your experiences and biases influence your decisions is critical insight. But that’s only the beginning. Self-awareness includes coming to terms with your working premises about people and relationships. It’s understanding how your leadership style impacts those you lead.

Discover your Personal Leadership style grounded in

Wisdom, Equanimity, and Equilibrium.

Transition from mere knowledge to profound wisdom,

from the process of aging to becoming a sage,

and from mere success to deep fulfillment.

To lead a meaningful life that you truly love.

Wisdom is the deep understanding and use of knowledge, experience, and discernment to make sound judgments and live a meaningful life. It involves insight, perspective, and thoughtful decision-making. Wisdom includes self-awareness, empathy, adaptability, and an appreciation for life's complexities.

Equanimity is inner calm and balance amidst life's ups and downs. It's maintaining emotional stability and mental clarity in challenging circumstances. Equanimity fosters tranquility and acceptance, resilience, and mindful responses to situations. It helps individuals gracefully navigate life's uncertainties.

Equilibrium is a state of balance and harmony. It's the proper alignment of various elements or forces, resulting in a calm and steady state where no force overpowers others. Equilibrium signifies optimal functioning, with components working together cohesively. It can be applied to physical systems, mental well-being, or social dynamics.

Profound Leadership is the ability to inspire and guide others with deep wisdom and authenticity. It involves understanding, empathy, and purpose. A profound leader embodies moral integrity, thoughtful decision-making, and commitment to others' growth. They can bring about transformative change and leave a lasting positive impact on individuals, organizations, and society.

This Personal Counseling is designed for successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and visionary individuals.

If you are interested


Counseling is available in English, German, and Spanish.

You may find a more detailed description HERE.

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